Our Mission
To strengthen youth and families, and to reduce the incidence of delinquency, abuse and neglect through community involvement.
About Us
Berkley/Huntington Woods Youth Assistance is a non-profit organization in Berkley, Michigan, that provides confidential, short-term family-centered counseling and referral services for young people, 17 years of age or younger, who reside in the Berkley School District. Casework referrals are accepted from schools, police, neighbors, and parents with concerns about a child
Berkley/Huntington Woods Youth Assistance also provides a variety of non-casework services and programs in the community, including:
Year-Round Family Education Programs and Workshops
Skill Building and Summer Camp Scholarships
Annual Youth Recognition Awards Program
The Mel Ross Memorial Scholarship for a graduating Berkley High School senior
...and so much more!

Sponsorship & Support
Berkley/Huntington Woods Youth Assistance is a community-based program that is preventative in nature and developed by volunteers who live and/or work in the Berkley and Huntington Woods communities. The Oakland County Circuit Court—Family Division provides a caseworker who offers direct casework services to local youth. Berkley/Huntington Woods Youth Assistance operates under the sponsorship and financial support of the City of Berkley, the City of Huntington Woods, the Berkley School District and the Oakland County Circuit Court—Family Division. Additional local funding is obtained through grants, donations and local fundraising efforts.